Wednesday, 31 March 2010

The line up has now been announced!

This year's Co-operative Cambridge Folk Festival line up has now been announced. Check out for more details!


  1. Is that it? Surely there's going to be more than this?

    Sixteen or so years consecutive attendance, but I doubt I'll bother with this rag-tag line-up

  2. Ever since your inept Council lost £500k with a ticket broker that went down the tubes (which could have easily been avoided) the line up has also gone downhill.

    Are those 2 issues by any chance related?!

  3. Well I'm actually really liking the line-up. I was not going to go this year due to other commitments but I'm currently trying to re-arrange them to fit Cambridge in.

    I mean Kris Kristofferson, Seasick Steve, Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Seth Lakeman , Sharon Shannon & Imelda May, The Unthanks and Salsa Celtica - All great acts.

    I'm really looking forward to it.

  4. But how many of them are repeats from the last 2 years?

    Over the years one the many great things about Cambridge musically has been the number of acts that you wouldn't normally see elsewhere, or every year or two at Cambridge.

    With respect Seasick Steve and the Ukulele Orchestra are novelty acts, and great ones at that, but I do think it's losing its credo - probably something to do with being run by committee now.

  5. A disappointing line-up. Last year's line-up had its faults but compared to 2010, last was brilliant. Kris Kristofferson was never a great singer. Now he is well past his "sell by date". Imelda May was one of the highlights last year is worth seeing but the rest are second rate at best. I'm off to the Hebridean Festival instead

  6. Can't agree - Playing Live is what festivals are about - Show of Hands, Ezio & Seth Lakemean on the same bill = a good line up. Throw in Seasick Steve, a couple of overseas vistors....and then a bunch of more "trad" stuff like Jackie OAtes, Spiro etc and it is a good line up, nice mix and some top players...

    That said, I have had my head turned by SHrewsbury - no crushes, blocked paths or "rug mafia" no Cambridge for us this year....

  7. Well I want to go ,as its always a great festival, the line up is just fine as far as far I am concerned.Its one of my favorite festivals anyway!!!

  8. This is rubbish, obviously a cash flow crisis. Saturday almost mirrors Sunday with 9 acts from Saturday repeated on Sunday, Thursday night and Friday hardly worth bothering with. Seasick Steve a headline act, I don't think so nor is Natalie Merchant for that matter. Kris Kristofferson too, great songwriter. Most disappointing line up for years. Obviously diehards will still go but this is supposed to be the prime folk festival of the season, won't be for long if this standard is maintained. There's a bunch of us that go every year but not this one

  9. I agree, have been coming with ever increasing group for years - some fine acts - but where is the big dance act - younger band for friday night to bring is a young audience. Kris K is poor poor headliner Surely this isnt it is it? -it said first acts annouced I keep being hopeful - but it looked like a done deal - lots of other good bands around this summer why didnt cambridge get them - come on cambridge not all is lost add to the bill

  10. I think there are some great acts in there I am really looking forward to seeing.Personally am looking forward to the mix of trad folk, contemporary folk and some of the overseas acts are worth a look. Do not miss The Carolina Chocolate Drops and C.W.Stoneking fantastic stuff. As for the blanket brigade and the deck chair chavs marking out 'their' territory like incontinent lions, hopefully the promises on this site of the marshalls addressing the problem and handing out a few ASBO's is true? We shall see.
